Saturday, January 15, 2011

Stockpiles and Shopping Trips

My mom called me obsessive tonight :) She said she might sign me up for couponers anonymous because I came home with 6 tubes of Colgate toothpaste and refused to part with them. They were free! How can you pass up free stuff? But seriously, who really needs 10 tubes of toothpaste? (6 new ones + 4 that were already in my stockpile). No one, that's who. So, at 11:00pm tonight I had a desperate urge to clean house. And oh boy, did I clean! I have 8 full bags of stuff that will be donated to our local food pantry tomorrow at church.

But I also added to my stockpile as well this week. Not a whole lot, though. I shopped at Safeway, Walgreens, and Sam's Club this week. I don't usually shop at Sam's because for the most part, nothing is a better price there than anywhere else. They just want you to think it is! Especially laundry detergent and paper products. These are a total ripoff. Don't cave to the idea that you're saving money just because you're buying in bulk! But, the general public gets in free till January 25th so I went and picked up a couple of things that are a good deal. Like popcorn. Yes, I did get 50 lbs of popcorn! At 33 cents a pound, it's a great deal! And we definitely will go through it. We're popcorn fanatics. Here's a pic of my Walgreens trip today. I had a couple of catalinas that needed to be used by tomorrow so I got a few things that I wouldn't have if they didn't happen to be free with my coupons. Like the stockings. Don't really need them but I needed fillers. I got 2 bottles of laundry detergent, 2 pairs of stockings, 2 toothbrushes, and 2 packages of feminine pads and paid $3.27. What a deal! In the past, I would have spent twice that on just 1 bottle of laundry detergent!

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