Saturday, May 17, 2014

A Summer Redone

Last year, I had all these grand plans for my summer off from school. Remember this? Well, I only got about 6 weeks into it before I landed a summer job in Idaho and it all went out the window! This year, I'm taking a couple summer classes (in hopes of actually finishing school next year!) so I'm definitely not going anywhere. So, I think I'm going to try tackling a new summer plan! I've not been working this past year so finances are VERY tight but I think I can still do some fun things and hopefully tighten up the budget in areas!

One of the main things I really need to get better at this summer is grocery spending. You all know me! I'm the grocery queen! But for several months, I've been playing around with the 21 day Sugar Detox and a modified version of Paleo. This has sent my grocery budget spiraling out of control! I tend to try to keep our budget at about $200 a month. Many times, it's a bit more than this. Around the holidays, it's A LOT more than this. But in February, when I started this new eating plan, it tripled to over $600 a month. That's ridiculous and we can't afford that anymore! So, a summer challenge for me is how to get our grocery budget back down to the $200 range and still incorporate the new eating strategies? Any suggestions? I know, since it's summertime, produce will be way more affordable and that's good. That's a major part of my diet. I'm also going to grow some produce again. Mostly, it'll be herbs. They do well in my flower boxes :)

I also want to get outside more. More hikes, more outdoor concerts/movie nights, more picnics. We live in, in my opinion, the most beautiful state, and I need to find the time to enjoy it more! I'd love the opportunity to use my awesome camera too. I bought it a couple of years ago when we went to Hawaii and have only used it a handful of time since!

My last goal this summer is organization. I want to come back to school in the fall with a plan. A plan to keep stress down at home. A plan to become more diligent with school. I've got 7 classes in the fall. I can't afford to slack off!

And in the spirit of my summer, here's a recipe for you! We made these last night for dinner and they are yummy! I think they cost me about $3.50 for the whole meal. I modified it slightly by using ground turkey instead of chopped chicken breasts. I think it tastes more like P.F. Chang's that way. I also used a bit of honey (about 1 T) to take some of the bitterness out. You could also use grated carrot in it to give it sweetness if you'd like!


1/2 lb chicken breast, chopped (I used ground turkey)
2 T tamari (this is a wheat free soy sauce and I find it at the Asian store) or coconut aminos
1 t fish sauce
1 T sriracha
1 small onion, diced finely
1/2 c water chesnuts, diced
1 large close garlic, minced
2 T coconut oil or EVOO

- Heat oil in pan and saute onions and garlic together
- Add meat to onion mixture and cook till brown
- Add all the rest of the ingredients and heat till it thickens a bit
- Serve in lettuce cups. Enjoy!