Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My Shopping Week

I haven't posted a picture in a while on my grocery shopping so I thought I'd show you how I did this week! First off, I need to vent. We spent $474.68 last month of groceries!! AHAHAHAH!!!!! Oh my gosh, that is ridiculous! I feel physical pain over that number. So obviously, we won't be spending much this month to compensate. But I think sharing this month's total can be eye opening for you, my readers. I don't always get great deals and I definitely don't get deals on everything. Almost $100 of that total was on alcohol. Sad, I know.

On to my next venting topic. Extreme Couponing. There's a new show on TLC called "Extreme Couponing" and it's all about how 4 people use coupons to get free stuff (or close to it!). They showed people's stockpiles and a man who got 1,000 boxes of cereal for free. I'm all about the free stuff but let's face it, who needs 1,000 boxes of cereal? Or 30 years worth of toilet paper? (yes, that was in one person's stockpile). I understand that this is reality TV and all about the "extreme" but I think it portrays couponers in a bad light. I try very hard not to take advantage of the system or be annoying when I'm couponing. It took the guy who got all that cereal two hours to checkout because of all the coupons! Now that's just rude. I also try to think of all the other people who might want the free products as well and I never wipe out a store's stock when I go. Even when I buy a lot of one item, like tonight, I don't come close to taking everything off a shelf! I hope when people see this show, they realize that that's not what ethical couponing is all about. And people, please, think of others and be responsible with your coupons.

Ok, back to my shopping trip. I got 22 boxes of fruit snacks and fruit roll-ups, 10 boxes of granola bars, 6 Hershey's candy bars, 4 packages of Johnsonville breakfast sausage (not pictured), and 12 Yoplait yogurt cups. Total amount spent: $4.70. I should have received a $3.50 catalina but I think the machine was broken so I have to call the company about that but still, $4.70 is not bad at all for all of that! It seems like it's been awhile since I've gotten that good a deal on anything. Probably because of the holidays. But this brightened my day! Now, to give it all away! Who wants some? :)
P.S. This picture was taken on my brand new camera! Thanks, Dad!

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