I'm revamping the format of my blog. Do you like it? It's not done yet so don't get too attached! I have a few things I'd like to see added but haven't quite figured out how to add them to the template. Like buttons. Anybody know how to add a button that links to another page of the blog from the home screen? I don't know if it's even possible for Blogger. Eventually I might need to switch to another web page designer.

#9 on my summer bucket list is to read a classic. I looked up the World Library's list of top 100 classics of all time and picked
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. Looking at the list, I realized I am an idiot. I think I've read maybe 12-15 of the books on this list! And most of them, I had to read for school. Maybe 2 or 3 of them I've actually read for pleasure. How depressing. Though, the authors who picked this list might be a bit crazy. Pippi Longstocking? Really?
Has anyone read this book? What did you think? I'm surprised that none of the Bronte sisters' books were required reading in school. But then again, I was an International Baccalaureate student in high school and we had to read some strange stuff. No Charles Dickens or William Faulkner. Instead, we were subjected to Toni Morrison's
Song of Solomon and Margaret Atwood's
Handmaid's Tale. Both weirdly disturbing books, at least in my 16 year old self's eyes.

I made another new recipe yesterday and my work loved them! Cookies from a cake mix, who would have thunk it? I guess everybody, because there are hundreds of recipes for them. They called this recipe
Ooey Gooey Butter Cookies but I don't agree with the title :) They were light and fluffy, not gooey. We really liked them and maybe next time, I'll make this
chocolate version instead!